The first gluten free week

So we were gluten-free for a week. It wasn't impossible, but it wasn't exactly fun. Andrea might be a little better, but it's not very clear, so we'll give it one more week and then reintroduce gluten. If it doesn't get worse when gluten comes back, we'll give this up. We might take just Rea off dairy this week as well, but the whole family can't do that. If it's not gluten or dairy, most likely it's a condition called "functional abdominal pain," where kids just have their stomachs hurt for no discernible reason. It's not uncommon and usually goes away on its own after a few months. We're trying probiotics, which might help. Other than that, it's been a fairly busy week. Wednesday was Rea's last dance class. She would like to keep doing it, but it's right at dinner time and just too stressful for Alison to get her there. Maybe in the fall we'll let her sign up again. Thursday we had a Board Game Design Group m...