Surgery, and finding the remote

I don't know if I even need to say it, but this last week was a busy one. We had grandma Julie over for most of the week, which was a huge help to us. She kept things under control while Mike went back to work. On Monday Grandma, Mike, and the kids went hiking up Bell Canyon to pick Serviceberries. It was a total bust this year. We got 6 berries total, so even though the hike was fun we didn't end up making anything afterward. During Mike's paternity leave he scheduled Gideon's surgery, so on Tuesday he took the day off to get the surgery done. The surgeon was apparently running super late, because the surgery took all day and though they left at 10:30AM they finally got home at 6:30PM (the surgery itself took about half an hour). Gideon was very brave, and the surgery went without any real complications, so hopefully his recovery is quick, and he is back to normal pretty soon. Alison is also still recovering, so Mike is trying to make her take it easy. It is ...