The Christmas Week

Since last week was finals, Mike hasn't had to teach all week. This means that on Monday and Tuesday, Mike got work done at 11 and had the rest of the day off. He took the week between Christmas and New Year's off because work told him to use up his vacation days. We normally do the Twelve Days of Christmas from Christmas Day to Twelfth Night on January 5th, but this year Rea and Sara are invited to go to Disneyland with Grandma and Grandpa from January 1st to January 5th. So we started the Twelve Days of Christmas early and we'll do our Twelfth Night celebration tomorrow. The activities that we did this week were: Sunday - Read Christmas books around the fire Sunday - Made and drank egg nog Monday - Making ginger bread houses at the library Monday - Visited Temple Square to see the lights Tuesday - Put on the Nativity play Wednesday - Opened presents Friday - Played with Grandma and GrandpaSaturday - Watch Christmas movies Since Mike had all this time off and h...