It's Spring, Spring, Spring Again!

It's been more-or-less February for about two months now (February being, of course, the "beastly month" when everything seems awful for a while). That is finally over! We've had over a week of lovely sunny springlike weather, and everyone is feeling great! We spent lots of time outside, we had to break out the sunscreen, Timmy got his ants, Rea is growing things in her garden. It's so nice. Both last Friday and this Friday we went to nature group and then Wildflower Park and ended up being out for nine hours or so. We went to Cabana Park with the Plastows on Saturday and to Brookside Park when we visited Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig on Thursday. We also went to Crestwood Park today. At Crestwood, Rocket discovered that he loved swimming in the creek. He really doesn't do well in the heat - even though it's just in the seventies, it's too hot for him to do much without wanting to lie down and pant in the shade - so it looks like come summer we'...