California, Here We Come!

Two weeks in one! We spent the last two weeks first preparing for California, and then being in California. So much fun! Monday the 14th we took the car in for a check and oil change before going on the 1500 mile drive. It was a good thing we did, since the engine mounts were breaking and needed replacing. It was good to have everything checked out (we did NOT have a wheel explode on the drive home this time, thank goodness). However, when Mike went to make the appointment, Alison said that the best day would be any day but Monday. Oops, that was all they had available. So we borrowed Grandma Sheila's car and Mike helped Alison drive everyone to and from Classical Conversations in two shifts. It actually went pretty well, to Alison's relief. The kids were good about it. (We did leave all their carseats in the car when we returned it to Grandma Sheila, but Mike and Sara went back and got those later.) Tuesday and Wednesday the kids started getting ready for California, we made ...