Let's try this filth out

I just got back home from the Poulson's house. Becky came back from her mission, and was giving a talk in their ward. It was a pretty fun weekend. We played some Five Crowns, and Upwords. Katie said we should play Willow, but I hadn't brought it (since is has pretty much been panned universally).

I just don't see why people don't like it.

I made some progress on my rewriting of the D20 Modern SRD to work with my X-Com role playing game. 6 files left to integrate (I have cut the number of files from 239 down to 75) Once the integration is done, then I will do a little rewriting, and probably add in a js navigation section. If all works I should be ready for my new campaign to start up in about a month.

I waxed my cheeses last Friday. They now look pretty professional. The youngest one (an attempt to recreate the 7 month cheese that I was bragging about to everyone) already smells awesome. I think that it is perhaps the lipase.

No progress on the MSV front, nor the X-Com Apocalypse playtesting. I just don't have the time to rewrite this SRD and work on either of those.

I finished the second Amber series. It was good, but ended pretty abortively. I like the world, though. Zelazny is pretty cool.

Also, I am currently working on a secret project for Alison's birthday. It shouldn't take long, but she asked me to do it a year ago, and I never did.

A note: I chose the name of this blog due to my writing style. I jump from one thing to the next, and do not intend to change that. 'Disjunctive Writings' was the first thing that I considered for the name, but I settled on Parentheticals cause it fits my writing style even better.


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