Oatmeal Bread

I just had some wonderful oatmeal bread. It is too bad that _you_ are not lucky enough to be married to someone who is a certified bread genius. (She even has her bread mensa certificate of smartness and everything).

Also, the 5 lb cheese has a slightly yeasty smell (and I think that it probably got some yeast growing in it). I waxed it and it balooned the wax with its gas - hopefully it survives.

We ate one tiny strawberry from our garden the other day. It was tasty. We also have peas coming up soon.

Also, we have recently discovered Colosimo's Bratwurst (which are quite tasty - fairly reminiscent of real German bratwurst).

I am working on a MSV Atlas - which is coming along nicely. I might post a new version of the MSV some time soon - I hope to make more headway in the equation parsing and arbitrary fractal calculation before I do, but if the Atlas is a hit locally I could se myself posting it before those other things are done.

Finally, we are reading Good Omens - we found it at a garage sale, and bought it for $.50.


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