Just a short post. Baby Andrea just took four steps for the first time last night. I have attached a video, (which also included her showing off for rusty, and her dancing on the top of the old microwave).
Another week has passed. Alison got a new bike this week. She is trying to figure out how to bike around four kids, and was hoping that having a bike with a higher seat would allow her to attach a trail-a-bike to it, which would mean that she could carry two kids along behind her on her bike. It doesn't seem like it is going to work, however, and she might end up just hauling the kids in the bike trailer like in previous years. Wednesday was Rea's date night. She chose to have a fire, read books, and have a dessert. It was fun. This week Rea and Sara went to theater camp to prepare for a play that they put on on Saturday. It was The ugly duckling. They said their lines clearly, and spoke toward the audience most of the time. They did very well. At the same time, Alison, Timmy, and Gideon waited outside for them, and got good naps. Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila came over to Utah this week, so we were able to spend some time with them on Friday and Saturday. We watc...
We almost missed writing last week! Here is a quick summary of what happened. Gideon has graduated to wearing underwear. We are very proud of him, even though he is still wetting the floor. This last week was the first week of our homeschool. Alison made the girls planners and special school boxes, and they've been enjoying doing school every day. Timmy is very jealous of their stuff, and Gideon wants to be the center of attention during school time, so Alison is still working the kinks out. But everyone is excited for the new school year. The pool was closing this weekend, so Alison and the kids went swimming every single day. It made for a busy week, but it was very fun. Sara and Rea can both swim independently, and Timmy and Gideon are very brave to play in the water. We enjoyed our pool season immensely. This week we have signed the kids up to start martial arts classes, so maybe that will take its place. Mike went to the Board Game Design Guild. He played some murder g...
Andrea invented a new game today. It is named 'Tapely'. This is how she explained the rules: "One person holds a rubber hose. The other person holds a broken Easter egg." After getting a broken Easter egg (Rea was already holding a rubber hose) Alison asked what happened after that. Rea's response was: "I bop with the hose and you throw the egg" We played it once and Andrea said "Lets play Burpley" Which has the same rules except that it was played with a rubber hose and a burp cloth. Sara learned the word 'up' this week. She is very proud of it, and she says 'up', points to the ceiling, and then looks up. If we do not acknowledge her genius, she screeches. We had an Easter egg hunt at the brown's house Sara got one egg, and immediately started gnawing on the plastic shell. Rea got a lot of eggs, but we didn't let her eat all of the candy in one setting. We are going to ration it out to her. Alison and I have...
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