I, for one, welcome our new zucchini overlords

Sara's eyes are lightening. They are still blue, but I think that she will probably not end up with blue eyes in the end. She is now above her birth weight, and continuing to grow rapidly.

This morning I could smell fires as I rode my bike into work - apparently Utah is still ablaze.

I played two games of Polynesia with my actual cards this weekend. They were well received. I am now starting to clean up the art work more, as well as correcting the colors for printing. I am thinking of changing the point symbol from a 6 pointed star to a sphere. The color will still indicate how many points it is worth, but the black star will be replaced by a white sphere (to indicate one point).

I tried to build Nethack4 on my machine, but I can't seem to get it to run without errors. It took a few hours to get as far as I did (and no-one that I could see has posted online that they were able to get as far as I did using visual studio as the compilation tool). I posted how I did it here in case you are interested in learning what it took.

I have also been playing more UnNethack. My last character: a Gnomish caveman. Killed by a rolling boulder (Indiana Jones style).

I recently started re-reading my last nano novel, and was surprised at how clever I am. I am also sorely tempted to clean it up a bit.

This morning I opened up the fridge, and counted 5 different types of cheese in it (4 of which are home made). The derby that we just opened is great. It has a strong flavor and melts well. I also have a '4 lb' Parmesan open and some ricotta that we are going to make into various meals soon. The final home made cheese is another 4 lb Parmesan that is drying so that I can wax it some time soon.

For my birthday I got a new cheese wax pan. Five pound cheeses are so big that I needed a larger pan to wax them properly. I will test it out soon.

Recently people have started dropping off unwanted zucchini at the ward building. We have picked up approximately 20 lbs of zucchini in such zucchini drops. I don't know how people can have too much zucchini, but I could have easily eaten double that amount. Needless to say, I appreciate my nameless benefactors.


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