Z, as in X-Ray

Andrea has been having pains in her mouth recently. We went to the dentist to get her checked out and she wouldn't let him look in her mouth. Wedging the mouth open with fingers and mirrors proved to be the only way to get even a glimpse of her teeth. The dentist told us that he saw some cavities, said that if she was going to have the cavities filled we would have to have her sedated.

They tried to set us up with an appointment to do it, but then we discovered that our pediatric dentist was out of network on our new insurance. We brought Andrea to an in-network dentist and she opened her mouth for the new dentist easily. He said that she did not have any cavities, but it instead looked like she had bitten her tongue repeatedly recently and it developed some ulcers.

The moral of the story is: Don't go to an out of network dentist.

After having read The Changing Land while in Japan I have been reading Dilvish the Dammed recently. It is a collection of short stories about the protagonist of The Changing Land in the days before the events of The Changing Land. The main character is either really stupid or he really enjoys danger (which might be the same thing). Perhaps the fact that he is a half elf plays some part in that as well.

Finally, my neural network is actually playing flawless second player tic-tac-toe right now. I am working on making the training faster, but it can actually do it (which is a far cry from what it could do last week.) Once I get it to train fast I will probably start teaching it other games.

When I am done I will post the code so that others can look at it.


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