Squeamish Ossifrage

Alison has been working on decluttering the entire house because she has been reading Organized Simplicity, which is her (Alison's) mom's philosophy of life in book form. It says "Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" (apparently one of the definitions of beautiful is also awesome if you are a guy, so an old beat up blackjack taken from a thug in New Jersey is apparently beautiful). Alison comments that it is amazing how much stuff that we have that doesn't fit this criteria.
The girls have been 'helping' us to clean up. They mostly think that it is great fun.
This Sunday I said that we needed to get the girls dressed for church, and Andrea dressed for church all by herself. Her dress was on backwards, but what are you going to do? We left her in it backwards all day long.

I have also decided that I am going to try to at least prevent the yellow stainers (the poisonous ones) from spreading by stomping on all of them. My preliminary reports about their numbers count them at over NINE THOUSAAAAAND!
There's no way that can be right.
I am planning on chopping down a dead tree on Wednesday. Hopefully I can get some people to help me. If not, then it will be a much harder job.
My dancing robots program has been slowly moving forward. I have completed making some changes to the print and play document, and I am considering submitting a new version to the Prototype Penpal Program (which has been an invaluable aid in my recent play-testing efforts as so many of my friends have little kids now and don't want to play games very much anymore).
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