Goose biscuits

This week I worked a bit more on my Dancing Robots website. The multi-player is working fairly well, but the site still has some bugs, and the user interface could definitely use some work. I need an interaction designer to look at it and come up with something to do to fix it. Now that I am able to play so many games of dancing robots, I am starting to think that the game is a bit too easy. I will have to make it harder by decreasing the amount of electricity provided, or perhaps increasing the size of the parts. Both of the girls are learning things every day. Rea wrote both her name and the word cat this week. Sara is walking all over the place now that she is able to. She still loves taking things out of and putting things into various containers and considers that to be the best game to play. As I type this post, Alison just asked her to put a wet diaper into the diaper pail and she picked it up and walked over, putting it into the pail. At the di the other day I saw a rac...