In which I discuss mushrooms with Frisbee Hippies
This last week I worked on my Dancing Robots website a lot. It is still not ready for public consumption, but it is possible to play an entire game, and it is starting to look pretty good (inasmuch as anything that I make looks pretty good (which is not very much according to some people)). It has card symbols, hover text for all the cards, a log, and fairly intuitive controls. After I am done with the first run through I will test it out on my wife to see if that last statement is supported by evidence.
Alison had her book club last week (some girls from the ward get together and discuss various books - this time at our house). The book was Hattie Big Sky, but they always end up talking about homeschooling, and it seems more and more likely as time goes on that Alison will try out homeschooling.
On Friday I was ambushed by a 'team building activity' at work: Frisbee Golf. I got (on average) about three over par. We also ran into some angry frisbee hippies and were subjected to a rant about what we were doing wrong (they were using all sorts of technical terms that I did not understand, but apparently there is a rule about which half of the course you are supposed to play on based on some set of circumstances that I did not understand (and we were - of course - playing on the wrong side of the course)).
After this, we ran into some happy frisbee hippies, which told us that all we need to do is to practice every single day and we could become as good as them. They told us to play at the course near the liquor store at 50th and state street, and enlightened we went on our way.

It doesn't have gills, so my first thought was Bolete, but it seems to be a Polypore instead.
This week there have been record breaking temperatures, and Alison and the girls still go outside every day and hang out for hours. I don't know how they do it, but perhaps the kiddie pool is part of that.
My mushroom house seems to be keeping the mushroom logs fairly moist in spite of the heat, but I do water them daily anyway.
My father went in for open heart surgery this last week, and he seems to be doing fairly well (all things considered). We went up to visit him, and he looked much better than he could have been. The girls couldn't come in because children are not allowed in the ICU, but he made a movie for Rea, and we sent him a picture in response.
We made a new type of smoothie recently: Cran-Watermelon. It ended up pretty tart (we used 100% cranberry juice, which is like drinking 100% lemon juice to the uninitiated) but also pretty tasty.
For the 4th we are going to have a barbecue and sit up on the hill at flat iron mesa park and watch the fireworks all over the valley. Anyone who doesn't have a firework show to attend is invited.
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