Shaggy Manes

I haven't worked much on dancing robots over the last few days. I am mostly waiting for artwork and working on a new Mandelbrot Set Viewer (I am planning on using functional programming techniques for it).

We celebrated Andrea's birthday last Tuesday. Her favorite gifts as far as I can tell are some art supplies that she got. She is painting everything. Fortunately we have wood floors, so the only real casualty has been a white towel.

Ever since she has turned three we have noticed that she has been acting the same as she was acting a week ago (I fooled you with that one, didn't I?) She is still a happy, energetic girl. We took her to the zoo on Saturday (which she always enjoys). The otter statue was the favorite this time.

They also enjoyed the elephants and the giraffes like they always do.

Grandpa Poulson rode with Andrea on the merry go round. Sara was jealous.

On Sunday Rea made up a song (during sacrament meeting)

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes everywhere:
tomatoes on the ceiling,
and tomatoes in my mouth.

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes everywhere:
tomatoes on the floor,
and tomatoes on the walls.

 Finally, we have been hunting more mushrooms. On Friday we hunted some mushrooms that look a lot like oysters (but also have certain differences with oyster mushrooms, and so we haven't eaten any yet) On Sunday we were told about a patch of shaggy manes that was growing in american fork, so we picked about a gallon and a half of them. We sauteed them up and ate some last night (they are in the same family as the deliquescent mushrooms that we have in our yard, so they will turn to black ink if they are not eaten quickly.) After sauteeing them we froze the remainder, so we will have an excellent mushroom quiche, ravioli, or some such dish soon.


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