Definitely Not an Evil Overlord

Alison co-authored this post, (basically she wrote the entire thing and I added in stuff that I wanted to mention).

We went to the annual Sumsion Family New Year's Eve party, where everyone is required to provide a (usually wacky) talent for the talent show.  Andrea and Sara sang "Away in a Manger."  Rea sang beautifully - she learned it in Nursery - and Sara belted random words as she saw fit: "Manger!  Jesus!  Sleep!"  She has a powerful voice for such a little body.  It was very cute.  Alison's talent was "lectures on behavior that kids actually ask to have repeated" with her Kimochis; Mike's was identifying which child was tickling his feet with his eyes closed.  We all had a good time and let the girls stay up much too late, though not all the way to midnight.

The next morning we went to a game day with Scott, Sheila, Caitlin, and Sal.  We played Dixit, Shadows over Camelot, Bang (as a [root beer] drinking game), Resistance, and Two Rooms and a Boom.  The adults all enjoyed themselves and the kids were good, which was very nice.

Alison is feeling a bit better, so on Saturday we tried to clean up the girls' playroom a bit.  All the Montessori stuff is boxed up until Alison feels a LOT better, so there are less things for the girls to make a mess with.  We'll see if it actually cuts down on the amount of mess on a day to day basis.  Alison was going to use her new sewing machine to make bags for some of the little toys, but she got exhausted before she got to that job, so we'll do that another day.  Mike rewarded our hard work by making muffins.

Andrea went to Sunbeams for the first time this week!  She had a great time.  She's lucky enough to have the teachers who were in Nursery with her teaching Sunbeams this year, so the transition should be easy.  Sara starts Nursery in two weeks, and then we get a little break with no baby in Sunday School with us.  That will be nice.

This year our church runs from 1 to 4 pm, which is not our favorite schedule with toddlers (uh, naptime?  Ooops).  But Mike's morning meeting schedule got changed, so now if ward council goes too long PEC just has to be shorter to make up for it, so he'll get home at a consistent time.  We're all happy about that.

I have been working on more Dancing Robot cards. They are actually starting to look pretty good. Once Dave is done with the art I will have to figure out how to get the cards to all show up on my Dancing Robots website.

Finally, Alison and I somehow ended up reading the Evil Overlord list again. It is a good read for those who haven't read it.


  1. Link to the Evil Overlord list??

    1. sorry, I thought it would be fairly easy to find.


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