Happy Birthday to Sara

Alison decided that it was time for life to go back to normal this week, so she's been trying to get the girls outside every day, do their reading and math and scripture study daily, and keep up with the housework.  She is very proud of actually getting the house clean this week; after a month of her not doing any work, it really needed it!  Maybe next week they'll start swim lessons at the pool with Max.

Thursday night we had the first meeting of a board game developers' playtesting group at our library.  We arranged for the girls to go play with the Dalyais, a family in our ward, while we were playing.  However, when we went to drop the girls off, no one was home.  We ended up just taking them along to the library, and one of us would read to them while the other played.  The other people were nice about it, but it was distracting.  We hope the next one will go better.

Scott and Sheila took the girls on Friday, and we took Timothy along to a play at the Off-Broadway Theater.  It was Anni of Aquamarine Gables, a very funny spoof on Anne of Green Gables.  Unfortunately, Timothy screamed throughout the second half, so Mike missed most of it.  That was very sad.  We hope he does better this week, when we go to the play Pirates of Penzance.

This Saturday was Sara's birthday.  She's two years old!  As far as she's concerned, the most important thing about being two is that she gets to have gummy vitamins  like her big sister.  A bottle of vitamins was her favorite gift; she carried around the house all afternoon.  In the morning we went to the zoo, and the girls got to ride the carousel, which was also a bit hit.  She and Rea helped make a blueberry oatmeal cake, but that was not nearly as popular with them as the mint chocolate chip ice cream we picked up on the way home from the zoo because it was so hot.

Because Saturday was a birthday, but we still had to use up milk, we made a huge five-pound paneer (our easy, unaged cheese) instead of a more complicated one.  We cut it up in cubes and froze it; because paneer doesn't melt, we can use it in place of tofu in recipes in the future.

Timothy turned a month old, so he went to church for the first time today.  Alison carried him in the front carrier, and after eating during Sacrament Meeting, he slept the rest of the time.  Sometimes Alison had to be walking around in the back of the classroom to keep him asleep, but he was very good overall.

Speaking of Timothy, we are blessing him in two weeks, on August 3rd, at 1pm.  We'll have dinner at our house at 4:30 if you want to come!


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