Villainous Saturday

This week Rea started her preschool again (Tues/Thurs morning).  She goes back and forth saying she likes it or doesn't depending on her mood, so we'll see how this goes.  Sara really misses Rea and wants her at home, and if Alison plans fun things with Sara then Rea decides that she hates preschool and wants to stay home.  We hope things will get better as we get into the routine.

On Wednesday, the Dalyais came over and visited for a while.  Alison really likes their visits; the Dalyai kids teach Rea how to play better with other kids and Sylvia is lots of fun to talk to.  They're looking to make it a weekly get-together.

Wednesday afternoon Timmy went in for his two month checkup (two weeks late, oops).  He is a whopping 16 lbs already!  We're pretty sure Rea hit 16 lbs at around nine months and Sara at a year.  No wonder Alison gets so tired holding him!  He can wriggle his way across the floor already, so we're hoping he sits and crawls early so we don't have to carry this big heavy boy all the time so much.  But he's a great baby.  He sleeps 7-8 hour nights every other night or so, which is really nice for us.  And he's flirting and cooing and so cute!

On Thursday, Alison and the kids walked to the park for the first time all summer.  Alison was pretty excited to feel well enough to walk a mile uphill with a stroller again.  Rea and Sara rode in the new double stroller and Timmy was in the mei tai; Sara has been begging for a long walk in the stroller since we got it, and it finally happened.  About halfway to the park Alison wondered if she had been overoptimistic about how well she felt.  Luckily the girls were willing to get out and walk, and Alison just had to push an empty stroller.  They stayed at the park all afternoon and met some other kids to play with.

Friday night our date was rather defunct.  My parents were coming to babysit for stake conference on Saturday, so we didn't want to find another babysitter Friday.  We thought about going to a store as a family (DI dates are pretty popular at our house when we don't have a babysitter), but Sara and Timmy were both asleep in the car and Rea didn't want to go.  Instead she wanted to walk down a few houses and play with our neighbors the Ormes.  So Alison stayed with the sleepers and fed Timmy when he woke up, and Mike took Rea over and socialized.  Then Mike left Rea to play and came back until Sara woke up and asked to be taken over.  When we all got there, we ended up sitting in the Orme's backyard while the kids played on the trampoline (side note: the girls LOVE trampolines; we may need one), while the Orme parents had to go inside and do something.  So we just sat in a neighbor's backyard for our date.  Odd.  But the girls had fun.

Alison's Grandma Sumsion died this week, and Saturday was the funeral.  Alison's mom asked her to speak, since Julie didn't want to cry and speak in public.  Alison enjoyed thinking of all her good memories of her Grandma, even if she cried trying to talk.  She is trying to get copies of all the talks from the funeral because they had some great stories about Grandma.

We had to skip the burial because we committed to go the Mastering Knighthood summit.  It's an organization for 8-12 year old boys to learn good moral virtues, and it wraps up with a great battle between the boys and volunteer villains using foam swords.  They didn't have enough villains, so the Dalyais, whose son is involved, asked Mike to be one.  It was probably really fun for the kids, but they had the villains practicing (play-fighting each other) for four hours straight, which was way too long for us.  So Alison sat at a park with the kids while Mike got sunburned and sore.  If we're asked to do it again, we'll sneak away for several hours and only come back for the battle.  But it is a good organization for the boys and we're glad we could give some service to them.

The battle went long, so we were late for the adult session of stake conference, and we were both so exhausted that we didn't get a ton out of it.  Then Sunday morning we had to fight the kids to listen, and it was a challenge.  But we got some good things out of it anyway.

Saturday when the grandparents babysat they brought ice cream cones for the girls and left the extras in the freezer.  Sunday morning the girls managed to find them and eat them for breakfast.  That may have contributed to the difficulty at stake conference.

Also on Saturday I saw a few shaggy mane mushrooms at the park (while I was being an evil guy). Unfortunately I didn't have any way of collecting them since I was going to be there for hours. Perhaps I will find a few more some time soon.

As a final note, I am printing up some Dancing Robots cards (Just to see what they look like for now, but I intend to print up some to give out to publishers and reviewers some time soon). If all goes well I will be producing this game for real some time in the *near future

*(perhaps before next December)


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