Cookie-Like Bars

This last week Sara got sick. It seems that this sickness is working its way around the family. Fortunately the symptoms are pretty mild. This Thursday the preschoolers went to a Museum in south Jordan called the Gale center. It has a fun house and school like Utah had in the late 1800s, and it's free! We will probably go back in the winter. It was lots of fun. Timmy started eating solids this week. He is 4 months old, and that is the lowest recommended age. He has been trying to steal our food for weeks now, so we were just holding off for as long as we could. His favorite food so far is refried beans, but he has also liked rice cereal and broccoli. He makes horrible faces every time he eats a tomato. We were able to go to the temple for the first time since Timmy was born. We had a young woman from our ward babysit for us. It was good to go back. This Sunday was our primary program. Andrea participated for the first time. We worked very hard so she could memorize her part...