A Hobbit

When deciding what to write in the blog Rea said that we should write "Baby Timo is a big baby". Timo is her name for Timothy (the baby, not the animal food). She also said that we should write that "Clarabel is giving more milk", though I have not actually noticed that to be true.

We made some more sorry food this week as a dessert for the girls. They think that it is a great dessert, and since it has nothing unhealthy in it we are willing to give it to them freely.

We went around on tuesday inviting a lot of people to attend General Conference with us. Only one family showed up in the end, but they were a family of 6, so we ended up having a decent amount of people over.

On Wednesday and Thursday Alison baby sat the Dalyias. She loves babysitting them; she gets a ton done, because the big Dalyai kids (they're 10, 8, 6, and 4) take care of their younger siblings and Andrea and Sara too. Rea and Sara also love having so many playmates. Rea really wants to invite the Dalyais over on her birthday.

During all her free time when the Dalyais were over, Alison went through all the kids clothes. It was meant to be just switching summer clothes for winter ones, but it kept going.  Now all these bags of clothes are sitting around our house. Alison has an idea that she thinks is very clever for storing them: using them to stuff cushions to go along the back of our windowseat/bench in the front room. We'll see how well it works.

Friday, when Alison went to her mom's house, she ended up spending hours creating a promotional flyer for the business book she and her dad co-wrote a few years back. It was a challenging project for her since she knows nothing about graphic design, but she is very proud of how well it turned out.

Over the last week we picked grapes from the yard of the old family that we are known to pick grapes from, and we have been making grape juice with them. Concord grapes are an excellent variety, but perhaps we have been picking them too early this year (their flavor is a little weak). We canned 12 quarts and are probably going to wait a few weeks to try any more.

During General Conference I noticed that Craig and Julie had Oregon grapes growing in their front yard. For those who do not know, Oregon grapes are not actually grapes. They are probably more closely related to Holly than grapes. They have an intense sour flavor and so we picked them and tried to make them into jelly.

Following a recipe that I found online I poured the juice that I had extracted into a pot and added a (nearly) equal amount of sugar. I boiled it down until it ran off the spoon in ropes instead of dripping off (like the recipe said), and then poured it into a jelly jar. It seemed like it was going to be way too thick so I added lemon juice (since that seemed to be more similar to the original flavor than grape juice would have been). Had I not added it, I am sure that we would now have a jolly rancher the size of a jelly jar, since it still is pretty darn thick (we are talking 'laffy taffy' thick). Perhaps it would make a good candy anyway.

Finally, Timmy grew hair this last week. We are not sure what to do about it, but I think that we will cut it off.

With hair he looks sort of like a hobbit. We have no idea whose side of the family he gets it from since it looks like some 80's basketball player, and none of the family members that we know of played basketball in the 80's.

Either way, Rea and Sara really like it.


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