Do as I say, you organic organ!

This last week we went to California for the Poulson family annual reunion. We had a fun time lazing on the beach, visiting Sea World, and spending time with the Poulson family.

The cousins (mostly Andrea, Sara, Jack, and Max) really got along well together. They would all sit together and tell stories to each other and laugh and laugh.

The babies (Ellie, Lilly,  Timmy, and Kendrick) were all in good health, and seemed to have a fun time.

We brought some gnocchi which was really popular.

We completed our NaNo novels successfully, however they could have been better written. Alison finished hers Sunday night, which was the last day possible.

I also chatted with Chauncey one day and we made a second Naga Demon game. It has sixteen cards and took two hours to play our first game. We plan on shortening that, since two hours is really long, but we haven't played a game with the new rules yet.

On the way back home we listened to an audio book of "Thief of Time", which was really funny (and which provided the inspiration for the post title.)

Driving home took about 12 hours and included three stops for Timmy. We tried to drive all night to keep the kids asleep, but Timmy refused.

After getting home we flipped the blue cheese (we were not supposed to leave it so long, but what can you do?). Just last week we inoculated it with white mold spores, and the white mold is starting to take root. I hope that it out-competes the blue mold on the surface, because I like the look and taste of a white mold inhabited cheese (brie and camembert being the ones that first spring to mind).

As the image shows, the white mold is starting to take hold, but has not completed its take over yet.

We currently plan on eating the thing over Christmas, but when we first open it up we will see how ready it is.


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