The first week of the trip

Monday through Wednesday we mostly just packed and fixed the most recent 3d printer problem. Apparently we were having hysteresis, which with a 3d printer is either the stuff heating up slower than it should, cooling slower than it should, or moving slower than it should (for us it was it moving slower than it should). Apparently I had a slight amount of delay between the time that it started to move the head and the time that the head actually moved.
Thursday morning when we were supposed to be leaving for our trip to DC and North Carolina our keys got stuck in the ignition of the car. We were later to the airport than we would have liked to be, but we did end up making it on time. Either way it was very stressful. Once we get home we will have to figure out what to do about the car.

The kids were pretty good in the airplanes. We had a layover, which is why it is airplanes plural. We spent a few hours in Denver sitting in the upper floor of the airport and playing and watching the birds that have inhabited the airport. The girls liked the airplanes pretty well.

We arrived at Andy and Amanda's house Thursday in the evening and had a lovely dinner with them and then went to bed.

The next day we woke up at 5:00 am (Utah time) and went to the local U-Pick farm which was wonderful. We spent time plucking strawberries and playing at the playground. 

After that we went back home, had a nap and then went to the pool. Their pool was reasonably sized and had a kiddie pool as well as a normal pool. The kids all played and swam around. It was quite refreshing and an excellent way to end a day.

After the kids went to bed we played some MOAR MOAI (which makes me want to change the rules again.)

Saturday we went to DC in the morning and visited the Smithsonian museum of natural history. It was fun, but perhaps the best part of the entire DC day of the trip was the baby duck that we got to feed in the fountain.

We went home and cooked dinner for the Poulsons, which was stirfry and sauteed zucchini and yellow-squash. Jack very distinctly hated dinner. He said "dad, can you never make this for us" Ah, the honesty of children.

After dinner we went to a concert in the park that Andy's neighborhood association put on. The kids didn't really like the music. It was sort of country. In the end we went home early and went to bed.

Sunday we went to 9:00 church and then drove all day to the Yoder reunion. The kids were ok in the car, but not great. Timmy was sad quite a while.

Once at the reunion we had lasagna and ice cream and went to the beach. It was a good start so far. 


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