Kickstarter Success!

Alison and the kids have spent a lot of time going to the pool this last week. They are all enjoying it a lot. Andrea is swimming like a fish, and Sara is enjoying walking around in the water. Timmy will blow bubbles and crawl around on the steps. They are very glad that they got pool passes.

On Thursday the 3D printer power supply blew up. It was very bad timing because my kickstarter campaign depends on the printer working. We scrambled and got a new supply, so we are OK, but it would have been preferable to not have it blow up at all.

On Friday we went to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) at the Off Broadway Theater. It was very funny. I think that it is still playing, so go see it. It is cheap and good.

On Saturday I rebuilt the power supply for the printer, made granola, and we went swimming as a family at the pool. The girls loved showing off their swimming skills, and Timmy was certain that he could swim too. It was fun.

On Sunday we played board games with Heather and her family. We played MOAR MOAI, and 5 Tribes. Everyone seemed to have fun. I would play 5 Tribes again. I intend to work on my games more, but right now I have the kickstarter to think about.

On Monday my Kickstarter ended. We got $334 and have to print 133 counters. I am glad that I was successful on my first campaign. Now I have to print all the things and then ship them all as well.


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