A goat looking for love

Last Tuesday was Sara's daddy-daughter-date. She chose to get ice cream at macey's and to go to the playground and go on the slides.

This last week I also worked on my tower defense game that I am making for a programming competition. It is coming along decently. You can play the game, but it isn't complete yet.

I also finally convinced Scott to make a board game. It is moving quickly. It is a game where you play as villains, sending monsters to fight heroes. A unique idea.

On Wednesday we had 'science time with daddy' again. This time we talked about energy, and what it was. It went well.

On Thursday we had another Board game design group meeting. I presented my changes to Space Game, and there wasn't much feedback (perhaps I need to make some bigger changes or get it played with another group before I get more feedback).

Friday Alison went out and bought treats for General Conference as well as stuff for Rea's birthday while I took care of the kids. We had a fun time.

Saturday morning we built a Reverence Tent (which is a tent that you sit in to listen to conference (similar to the Nephites during the King Benjamin address)). Alison sewed a dress for Rea's birthday doll, and we listened to General Conference.

My favorite sessions were the ones on Saturday. I felt like a lot of the talks were directed to me.

On Sunday we went up to the Poulsons for more General conference. When we had just left, Craig found some shaggy mane mushrooms in his front yard, so we came back and picked them. We found a few more on the way home, so we had shaggy manes as part of dinner that night.

Over the weekend I worked on Sorcery, Inc. artwork, which is looking pretty good (if I do say so myself.)

Also, Lala was in heat. So. Annoying.


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