A Belated Christmas Week Post

Apparently we neglected to post the week of Christmas.  Sorry.  Here's the quick recap:

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we went to Grandma Julie's and visited with Aunt Katie's family. Evenings we came home and wrapped presents and were generally excited for Christmas.

Thursday we went to Daddy's work for a Christmas Eve lunch. He got the girls special Christmas Cocoa (hot chocolate from the machine, which is probably 98% liquid sugar) with squirts of caramel (for Rea) and vanilla (for Sara). We figure this is slightly more healthy than melting caramels and drinking it, ever so slightly. We got home and he pulled in right behind us - he'd gone back to his desk and his boss had said he could come home. So we cleaned the house for Christmas and had our Christmas Feast: roast beef and potatoes and carrots from the crock pot, and Grandma Poulson rolls. We also put Samoan cocoa in the crock pot to last the whole weekend. Then Daddy read the Christmas story from the bible and Mommy interrupted to sing Christmas songs after every few verses.  Then the kids went to bed under the traditional threat that Santa wouldn't come until they were asleep.

They didn't wake up until after 7 the next morning, when Mike was going out to milk the goats, so they had to wait until he came in to open presents. Alison had set up our most beautiful Nativity (from her Grandma Sumsion) then night before, so she and the girls looked at it and talked about Jesus' birth. When Daddy came in, we opened our stockings (fruit and candy and new toothbrushes) and our "swaddling clothes" presents (presents from each member of the family to each other member of the family to show our love for each other). Everyone loved their gifts. Timmy got a dinosaur and a toy sword, Sara two dolls, and Rea a toy picnic basket with felt food and a stuffed peacock (all bought by their siblings at the DI). Mommy gave all the kids modeling clay and Play-Doh and some tools for cutting and rolling the clay, and Daddy gave them a doll-sized porcelain tea set that came with paint so they could decorate it themselves. (We decided to reserve our other three gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh) for Three Kings Day, January 5th, to celebrate the traditional Twelve Days of Christmas and spread out the merriment a bit more.)

Mike got meeples for his game, a belt, fancy cheese sauce, and a glass plate for his 3D printer; Alison got a new journal and a bunch of Montessori supplies (shelves and such). We had fun playing with our new gifts all morning.  We had apple dumplings for breakfast this year, instead of cinnamon rolls, because they are much healthier (fruit, you know?).

At lunchtime Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila came over for eggrolls.  Yum!  Then they gave the kids new PJs sewn by Grandma, along with flashlights (which prompted regular evening "Pajama and Flashlight Parties!") and a doll each for Rea and Sara and matchbox cars for Timmy.  That was awesome and the rest of the day was also taken up with playing.

Saturday all the Browns came to lunch. We had pizza and talked; it was lots of fun. Everyone was there except Scott and Sheila, who were in California; we missed them, but it was great to see Daniel and Amy and Heather's families. The kids played themselves into exhaustion, so we had an early night.

And that catches us up to our last blog post.  We will now resume your regularly scheduled blog.


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