A heavy birthday

Tuesday we celebrated Alison's birthday. We had a great party with Sushi for dinner (we went to the sushi place at fort union near the thai food place (Itto Sushi, the one that has really good nigiri)). We opened Alison's presents (the kids helped open them), and did the "Heavy Hangover game", and also the balloon game. For those not initiated in the "Heavy Hangover" game, don't feel left out. I had never heard of it until I married Alison. It involved chanting a poem and bonking the gift recipient on the head with your present. A scouring of the internet only came up with the following scholarly quote: I believe the custom died out in affluent countries when the size and weight of gifts increased and the custom was found to cause unacceptable collateral damage to the upcoming generation of gift recipients. It did, however, have a Darwinian purpose in prehistoric times, when clubs and similar weapons were handed out as gifts and the thin skulls of th...