Queen Princess Amedaliya of the Princess Whales.

I have been working on the viking game some more. It is coming along, but it still isn't working very well. I tried it out at work on Thursday, and people said that they liked it, but they were just being nice. I think that it is getting better, however it could be moving along more quickly.

This week it rained a lot. We love the rain, because with great rain comes great gardens. Also, we just love the rain in general, since we came from a beautiful place known as north of the Garden of Eden before we entered this lone and dreary wilderness that we call Utah.

For Rea's date this week, Mike and the kids watched an episode of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" in which Spike got greedy and turned into a wicked huge dragon until he learned to be generous again. It was apparently a big deal to Timmy. His favorite character is Spike, and after it was over he spent about half an hour grabbing Alison with wide eyes and repeating to her over and over, "Pike! Ra-rar!" (which is to say, "Spike turned into a monster/dragon/lion/dinosaur!"). She would reassure him that in the end Spike turned nice and little again, and he would echo that, and then start the cycle over. Luckily he forgot by the next day.

 Thursday Timmy was mysteriously sick all day; he slept most of the time, wanted to be held all the time, and may have had a low fever. It was obvious by about 10am and was gone by 7pm, and we have no idea what it was, but we're glad it was short.

 On Friday, Grandpa Craig and Grandma Julie invited us to go to the Treehouse Museum with them one last time (the passes expire next Tuesday). It was a very fun day; the Treehouse Museum is wonderful and we would go there all the time if it weren't an hour from us (and $100 for a family for a year is a steal for a membership). We played all day, with a break for lunch at the Ogden Thai restaurant Bangkok Garden (Sara glanced at the menu and announced, "I want sushi!"). Then we got ice cream at Farr's before heading home. It was a wonderful day, and it's a good thing that Alison is definitely getting better; she managed to stay upright almost the entire day.

 Alison and the kids got home a little after Mike after their exciting day, so Mike got pizza on his way home. We didn't really have a date night planned for after that, but it worked out OK; the girls' friend Makayla, who lives a few doors down, came over and the girls played so that we could watch a grown-up movies ("The Princess Bride") almost just as a couple. Timmy refused to leave us, though, and may or may not have been traumatized by the ROUSes.

 Saturday we planted some more tomato and pepper plants and a couple of potato plants, just for fun. Mike fixed our bathroom sink (Timmy discovered the "fun" of putting toilet paper down the sink drain last week), which is so nice. We went to the DI looking for a new table, but still didn't find one; Mike did find a copy of Axis and Allies in pristine condition for $3 and the kids spent some money on toys and books, and we got a weed whacker! So as soon as we replace the ribbon in it, we can go chop down the messy border parts of our front yard and hopefully look decent.

 That evening we babysat for a family in our ward, and the kids had a grand time playing together. Well, Timmy wanted reassurance and was pretty clingy, but the rest of the kids were good. They're bilingual, and their baby apparently understands Spanish better than English, because Mike only got responses out of her when he spoke Spanish; it's a good thing he knows it!

Also, we got our own bees, Timmy chased chickens a lot, we discovered how to make a hobbit hole, and there was a queen whale in our house.


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