The Boxcar Children and the Mystery of the Missing Kids
Tuesday Alison and the kids went to the park and hung out with some family friends. They had a fun time, and I understand that Alison ordered birthday gifts for me during the trip.
Wednesday we packed because on Thursday the kids went to Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila's house. They stayed there for three days and had a grand time. They all were sad to go home, and they miss their Grandparents.
While The kids were gone, Alison and Mike went on a three day vacation to downtown Salt Lake City to enjoy the cultural things there. We saw a play, went to art exhibits and a museum, ate out at restaurants. It was very fun.
While the kids were gone Rea's box car children books on tape arrived, so on the way home we listened to them. Rea loved them and the other kids slept through them.
Another interesting thing that happened was that we finished motorizing Alison's bucket bike. It is now a electric/muscle hybrid bike. Alison is really excited about it, and it works pretty good. We still need to make the idler wheel better aligned so that the chain quits falling off, but other than that it is working pretty well.
If you care to read more about the bike, we have a blog post being written in the other blog about it.
Finally, the garden is starting to produce squash and the sunflowers and tomatoes are looking good. No honey was harvested this week.
Wednesday we packed because on Thursday the kids went to Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila's house. They stayed there for three days and had a grand time. They all were sad to go home, and they miss their Grandparents.
While The kids were gone, Alison and Mike went on a three day vacation to downtown Salt Lake City to enjoy the cultural things there. We saw a play, went to art exhibits and a museum, ate out at restaurants. It was very fun.
While the kids were gone Rea's box car children books on tape arrived, so on the way home we listened to them. Rea loved them and the other kids slept through them.
If you care to read more about the bike, we have a blog post being written in the other blog about it.
Finally, the garden is starting to produce squash and the sunflowers and tomatoes are looking good. No honey was harvested this week.
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