Oh Baby!

Mike took this week off work to help us adjust to having a new baby. The adjustment has gone quite well. Alison's midwife always recommends at least a week in bed after having a baby, but Alison actually felt so good by the end of the week that she was itching to get up. She's had a very easy recovery this time. The kids have loved having a new baby; we were a little worried about how they'd respond, but they all seem very happy.

Baby Gideon is determined to be different from his brother and sisters, in good and bad ways. He is our first baby who likes to suck beyond what's necessary for eating. Alison got really sore before we figured that out. Now we're trying to convince him that he likes pacifiers and wants to keep one in his mouth, while he much prefers to suck on a parent's thumb, We're also working on him sucking his own thumb, but that will take longer. He's very quiet; he pretty much only screams for diaper changes, and even that is much quieter than Timmy, who could drown out his sisters from birth. He's not terribly day-night confused, so we're getting a decent amount of sleep, which is really nice. He actually keeps his eyes open for more than a few minutes at a stretch; he'll be awake for an hour, a couple times a day. He was yellow enough that the midwife did a blood test for jaundice, though it came back negative. All kinds of interesting things. It's been fun to get to know him.

With his time at home this week, Mike put hooks in the wall so that the kids' hammocks can stretch across their room instead of hanging under the monkey bars. It gives them more space so they don't bump each other and makes the monkey bars more accessible for Rea's climbing obsession. It's very nice.

Last week, Alison found a whole case of mac and cheese being clearenced for a quarter a box and bought it all for the kids during her recovery. Mike has been working with Rea so that she'll be able to cook it in the microwave independently when he goes back to work.

Sara's handwriting has suddenly gone from not really legible to as clear as Rea's. We're not sure how it happened so fast. She's continuing to get better at sounding out words and writing the sounds she hears. It's really fun to see her love writing so much and get so good at it.

Timmy absolutely adores his brother. He always wants to kiss and pet him. He's usually quiet around strangers, but if they start the conversation with, "I hear you have a baby brother," he will happily chatter about his name and the fact that now there are three boys in the family and so on. It's very cute.

Mike will be going back to work two days this week, and working from home the other three, so Alison will not be completely alone. We are also getting ready for our trip (next week) to California for Thanksgiving, so if anyone local wants to see the new boy, you can come by and say hi. some time.


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