I still got my belly button

This week was quite an eventful one.

We had various family members throwing up most of the week (cousin Ellie was throwing up at Thanksgiving, so we probably got it there). Gideon did not get the throwing-up sickness, but at his checkup on Monday the midwife said she was worried that his cold might get into his lungs and told us all the signs to watch for in case it did. As a result, one of the parents has been awake for most of each night watching to make sure he can breathe.

When Mike tried to go in to work on Monday his car wouldn't start (it was pretty cold, and his battery was 6 years old, so he thought it was that). Alison and all of the kids took the van and dropped him off with a plan of buying a new battery that evening. When they went to pick him up, the first snowstorm of the winter was starting, so it was a long commute, but we got the new battery and made it home.

Mike installed the battery Tuesday morning, and the car still wouldn't start. He decided to try starting it once in the evening (when it was warmer), and took the van to work. When he got home, it still didn't work.

On Wednesday he took the van again and had the tow truck bring the car to the Tunex, but they started it up without any problem, and attributed the problem to a fuel pump. They said to hit the pump with a hammer next time it happens, because they are expensive to replace and they are not sure that that is the problem. If the hammer fixes it, then we should replace the pump.

By Thursday we were mostly all better from the vomiting bug, however our furnace quit working around noon. Mike came home and looked at it, decided it was the igniter, and called a repair service. The guy looked at it, replaced the igniter and then left.

We opened up our first Christmas present on Friday morning. The kids all bought toys for each other for $1, and they have been enjoying them a lot.

Friday night Mike and Alison had tickets to "Oliver!" so they went on their first date since Gideon was born. Pioneer Theater did an excellent job and we really enjoyed it. The young boy who played Oliver was fabulous, but both of us found the Undertaker the funniest and most memorable character; he really did a lot with a small part. Alison found it funny to reminisce that we had play tickets four weeks after Rea was born and she almost couldn't leave her baby; if her mom had not been able to babysit, she probably wouldn't have left her with anyone else. Now, with a fourth child, a 15 year old girl from the ward was our babysitter and Alison didn't worry at all. How things change.

Saturday at about dinner time the furnace went out again. We called the company again; they sent a guy out to fix it, and he did it pretty easily. Apparently we got a bad igniter the first time they fixed it. Fortunately the company said that it was under warranty, and we didn't have to pay for it. Here's to hoping that the new one is good.

We all went to Church today for the first time in a month. Alison did Singing Time with a sleeping baby in her front carrier (because she didn't want to risk passing him off and having him wake up) and the Primary kids were very excited to have him there.

With December rolling in, I am starting to get ready to send my rules for my card games to the Ion Awards again. Hopefully this year is better than the last :)

Alison wants to share a story about Timmy: "I got ready for Church early today, so right before we left I checked the mirror to make sure I hadn't gotten food or anything staining me. I said aloud, 'How do I look?' as I walked over to the mirror. Timmy followed me and said, 'Beautiful. Beautiful.' Every woman needs a mirror buddy like him!"

Also, in Church Rea drew a picture of Christ on the cross and wrote, "Jesus died and came back so we all die and come alive and be resurrected."

Sara has gotten really good at helping and volunteering to do things for us this week, above and beyond anything she's done before. It's been wonderful.


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