SaltCon 2017

Monday through Wednesday we packed for our trip. We also had FHE, and Rea's date night. Our electric grain mill (which was a wedding present) finally broke, so we started making flour in our hand crank wheat grinder. It was a long process, but the bread turned out pretty good (if a bit coarse).

On Wednesday night, Mike mailed out Polynesia to the Cardboard Edison. Of the games that he submitted to it, that was the one which they chose as a finalist. Now it is just a waiting game to see what happens.

On Thursday we went to SaltCon. Mike had a game that was a finalist in the Ion Award, so he had to present it to the judges. The presentation went ok, however it seemed fairly obvious that Mike had not won, as the judges really seemed to like a different game - Palooka Precinct - quite a bit.

The kids checked out a lot of games from the game library. Rea loved Coconuts, Sara liked the huge Jenga tower (made from 2 by 4s), and Timmy liked Dont Rock the Boat, but hated all the game's rules. Alison liked Flip City, and Mike liked all of them.

The kids (with the exception of Gideon) also loved swimming in the hotel pool and hottub. We decided that we will definitely keep going to SaltCon (even if Alison's parents no longer live in Kaysville).

Mike picked up 11 new games at the convention, and got rid of three old ones that he no longer wanted. He is most excited about Akrotiri, which he plans on playing with Alison next date night that is also a game night.


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