Birthday Week!

This week in Family Meeting we decided that Alison would speak French with the kids when Mike was home. We have been trying it. The kids complain sometimes, but they're getting better at figuring out what Alison means. Mike had to translate a lot at first, but less as the week went by. Sara also really enjoys getting a French lesson every day.

Rea and Alison saw an ad for a collection of books called the Herb Fairies. They are very excited about the idea of learning about medicinal plants in fun stories, but the company only opens enrollment for one week a year, and Alison bought an expensive music program this month, so we'll have to wait. Rea read the free sample and now is eager to collect and use medicinal herbs. She regularly gets a collecting bag and gathers supplies for her herbal shop.

Tuesday we got lots of exercise. We walked about half a mile to playgroup, then Mommy and Gideon walked home and rode the bucket bike a mile to the grocery store and a mile home. Then we walked back from playgroup, and later in the day took another walk (bike ride for Rea). It was a lovely day and we had fun. That night Mike went to Board Game Design Guild and the kids watched The Land Before Time for the first time. It was a little scary for them, but they enjoyed it.

Wednesday was Mommy's birthday! It was very fun. Mike stopped on his way home and and picked up sushi for dinner. Alison wanted to have a picnic, but the weather looked unpromising, so we tried to have the picnic at our patio table. Halfway through, the wind got too strong for comfort, so we moved the picnic to the floor of the living room. It was fun. After we cleaned up dinner, Alison opened her gifts: a pocketknife for Forest Kindergarten, an exercise band for her exercise program, a clip that's supposed to make it easy to cut girls' hair straight and cute, a math teaching set (that was tons of work for Mike - a digital purchase that he had to download, print, cut out, and box up for her), and a pump for the water feature we're designing for the front yard. Then we played all the traditional Poulson family birthday party games: The Paper Bag Game, Keep It Up, Balloon Stomp, Heavy Heavy Hangs, etc. And had chocolate cake and sang Happy Birthday. It was a great evening.

Thursday Alison and the kids met a new family who will do Forest Kindergarten with them for the first half of the summer (they're expecting a baby mid-July). The kids had a fabulous time together and the moms have a lot in common. Rea wants to note that they are trying to set "a deadfall to catch a groundhog and sell it for two dollars and three quarters." We have tried to gently suggest that this might not be the best idea, but she is convinced it will work. Thursday night Alison went to a Relief Society activity and everyone else played Legos for Timmy's date night.

Friday night the kids watched a movie while the parents did a game-playing date. We played two new games: The Bird Told Me to Do It and Nerdy Inventions. They were interesting, though not new all-time favorites.

Saturday Mike finally got licence plates for his new car. He and Alison almost completed polishing the rule book for Terran League of Defense Robots, which he is submitting to a contest by the end of the month. Mike and the kids went to play at the school playground for a while, too.

Sunday after church we walked around delivering reimbursement checks (Mike is the financial clerk) and one of the people we delivered to gave the kids lollipops. They thought that was important enough to certainly be in the blog post.


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