Vacation Week

Alison and the kids were happy to get back to the pool to resume their swimming lessons during the first half of the week. Sara and Timmy are making good progress, and Gideon likes the water as long as he has a full body bathing suit. Rea is still swimming like a fish.

For Rea's date on Wednesday we had cake and watched an episode of My Little Ponies.

Becky's family was in in springville for the second half of the week, so Alison and the Kids drive down there daily to visit them. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig drove up to visit, and so they got to see them too.

Rea particularly liked a magic show that they saw at the library. They also went to the Bean Museum in Provo and went to the splash pad every day.

Gideon started crawling for real this week. He can only army crawl, but that is way more locomotion than he has done before. He also has gotten up on all fours, and flopped forward - which is fairly effective when he wants to move forward a little bit. We are expecting that he will master the more normal "crawling on all fours" motion soon.

On Monday Mike took the day off from work and we all drove down to southern Utah for a Yoder family reunion,  and also a road trip to visit the Poulson family in California. We had a bit of a hard time finding the place, but we got there eventually.


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