Gremlins must have stole our post from last week.

Apparently we forgot to post about the trip to California. We went for the entire week of Thanksgiving. It was fun, however we mostly all got sick and were throwing up the last half of the week. Timmy was the only person that remained immune to the sickness. Mike even got it (Gideon smearing vomit on his face probably was the deciding factor).

The kids were pretty good on the drive there, but Gideon screamed for hours on the drive back.

We spent the last week mostly trying to get back into the swing of things. The kids suffered from grandparent withdraw, and the after effects of the sickness made it difficult for the adults as well.

On last Sunday the Peruvian Park ward tithing settlements began. Mike was gone for hours, and he will be up until about Christmas Sunday. It is the hardest part of his calling, but it only happens once a year, so the calling is still a relatively easy one.

This week Mike also finished his Ion Award submissions - this year he was able to prepare three games for the competition. Here is to hoping that he does well.

He also released his new website PlaytestHub for an open beta. He hasn't gotten much traction on it so far... Hopefully people start trying to use it soon.

Finally, we also set up the Christmas tree this week. Alison and the kids have been doing Christmas things on a daily basis, but as Mike is writing this post, he doesn't really remember what they were :).

That is all.


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