Poison Ivy Attack

Apparently, last Saturday the morel hunters wandered through a patch of poison ivy without realizing it. Rea woke up Monday with an itchy, red, oozing mass on her neck that almost drove her crazy all week. Luckily she is old enough to rub hydrocortizone on it when it itches instead of scratching, and also luckily, it only lasted one week. Daddy, Sara, and Timmy just had localized patches of red bumps, but all three of them still have it hanging on and refusing to heal. Daddy's is the worst now. Mommy and Gideon are glad that they missed it.

Other than the poison ivy attack, the week went fairly well. We played outside almost all day every day, since it was warm-to-hot (in the eighties all week). Saturday we planted some seeds in the backyard and fixed up bikes for the summer.

For Sara's date on Wednesday we got pizza and ate it at Dimple Dell and then looked for more mushrooms. We didn't find any, but we had a lot of fun wandering and exploring new trails.

Mike and the kids made it a wonderful Mother's Day for Alison. Every year, she asks that on Mother's Day, she doesn't have to do the work of being a mother. So she doesn't cook and mostly doesn't deal with kids fighting and being difficult. It is always a great day. Today she got bacon and eggs, coffee cake muffins, and quiche. It was awesome.

Rea got interested this week in the American Girl books and dolls. She is very excited to learn history with them. She is also doing a project on the animals of Madagascar. Her horseback riding lessons that were supposed to start this month were pushed back to July by the stable, so she's still looking forward to that.

Sara is making lots of progress on reading with our new program. She's now reading 5-6 letter words instead of only 3 letters, and she'll string a few words together into a sentance, especially if they are silly.

Timmy learned to pedal a trike this week and likes trying to keep up with his sisters. Mommy and Daddy are trying to tranisition him to a training-wheels bike so he can go faster, but he prefers the trike.

Gideon has been saying "I don't want to" to everything this week. It is both cute and annoying. Here is a sample: https://photos.app.goo.gl/6ZkRocIPJCDYfCnQ2

Gideon went to nursery for the first time this week. He managed about a third of it. He was so excited to go in and play with the toys that he tried to climb the baby gates to enter. But when he realized that Daddy really was gone, he got too sad and had to leave. We hope that he will stay longer and longer in the near future.

Alison started working on her novel again this week. She took most of the winter off when everyone was sick, but now that we're heading into the healthy months, she's really enjoying it.

Mike is starting to practice Italian again. We are relying on him to get us around Italy, since he's already pretty good. Alison and the kids have only learned to say "I'm hungry" and ask for snacks, but it's a start.


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