Week 2 of Italy

After going home disappointed and having lunch, we decided to go to the Bagni San Filippo, which is a natural hot spring that was not too far from the tenuta. We had a fun time in the hot water, but did not take too many pictures because of the hot water.
We had to share the springs with a bunch of other people, but that was ok - everyone was friendly. There were various pools of water of different temperatures, and if you got too hot, you moved to a cooler pool. Timmy found a pool that was unoccupied which we could all sit in, and we named it "Timmy's bath".
We also got to climb up to the walls, and buy toys at the gift shop. Timmy got three small knights, Rea, a flower tiara, and Sara, a bottle of magical glitter dust.
In the evening we went around for out final visit to the tenuta, and got a picture of the piratical boar.
We also saw a bunch of bats as we watched the sun set in the secret garden.
The farmstay was very fun, but we had explored the largest nearby places that we wanted to see, so we began packing to go to our next place.

While playing in the yard, Rea climbed up a police training wall that for some reason exists in the castle yard. She wanted a picture of it.
She also had a run inn with our ancient enemy - stinging nettle, which is all over Italy.

The kids also climbed the bell tower, where you could see a magnificent view, and were very proud of it. Gideon loved all of the lion reliefs and statues that were everywhere, and had us take pictures of many of them.
Timmy really loved the tiny figurine battle that someone had set up. It had lots of plaques that told the story of many of the knights that fought in the historic battle that it was depicting. There were at least 500 figurines on the battle field, and it looked totally epic. Somehow we didn't take any pictures of it. Here are a ton of pictures of the castle:
After that, we went to a highly recommended restaurant, and had a fancy lunch. We had porcini mushrooms for the first time, which everyone but rea liked, and tortellini and ravioli, which everyone liked too. The cheese course was popular, as was the tomatoes on toast (though Gideon hated that one). We ended it with a dessert of panna cotta, and white truffle ice cream. Again, the truffle ice cream was a bit of a let down. Truffles just don't taste as good as they should most of the time.
After that, we went to a forest named Camadoli, and explored it for a few hours. The kids had fun finding the "heart of the forest" (a rock with a heart shaped stain on it), mushrooms, chestnuts, a lean-to that someone had built, a river, more stinging nettle, and an old troll cave.

During the hike, Timmy had a run in with a blackberry bush, that left him scratched. It was really his fault. The bush was minding its own business, and he started thwacking it with his sword for no real reason. What followed was perhaps a lesson?

The pizzas that we had were anchovy, porcini mushroom, sausage, and bacon and eggs. The flavors of gelato that we ate were: raspberry, chocolate mousse, lemon, meringue, mediterranean (which was almond, pistachio, and fruit flavored), and pine nut.
The lemon and meringue when ate together tasted like the pie of that name.
After Pisa, we hit the beach, which was surprisingly covered in smooth white rocks. We have no idea what type they were, but they were sure stunning. It was warm enough that Rea and Sara got wet, but the rest of us stayed out of the water. We built rock towers, searched for the perfect rock, and had a palio which ended when Timmy fell off of a boulder and got sad.
It was a fun day, but left Mike wondering if we want to go to Florence tomorrow, which was our original plan, or just pal around the castle for a while. The temperature outside when we wake up in the morning will probably help us decide.
Finally, here is a picture of the kids eating gelato.
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