A long overdue post

These last three and a half weeks have been hectic. Sorry for not posting.

We usually write our posts on Sunday after church, but with the start of tithing settlements, and Mike being a financial clerk, we have been busy every Sunday at the usual post writing time.

In addition to this, with Alison suffering from morning sickness, most evenings Mike has been busy trying to catch up on all of the housework.

So, explanations aside, Mike has been readjusting to working again after the trip to Italy. He is pretty much back up to speed. Alison and the kids have been readjusting to life in the US again as well, and attending nature groups and such as is usual.

Alison has also resumed teaching for vipkids, and is getting at least one lesson every day, and two or more on some days.

Mike's first published game had a successful kickstarter earlier this month, and will be available to purchase through ButtonShy games soon. He is super happy about that.

We picked a bunch of Oregon Grapes one weekend, and made tons of syrup and jelly. The syrup turned out great, but the jelly didn't set up.

We also picked some fireberries and barberries, but before we make our wildberry stuff we want to pick more fireberries, since they have such a good flavor.

During the week of Thanksgiving we went to California as is usual, and hung out on the beach all day every day. It was fun, and we got to spend a lot of time talking and interacting with the Poulson family (with the exception of Katie's family.)

Mike's team at work is releasing their product to production this week, so he worked a lot of extra hours on Monday. This is highly unusual, so it was a trial. That being said, he will probably be able to take Friday off without expending any PTO.

We also got our goats back from the stud earlier this month, and hopefully they are pregnant right now. I guess that we will know in a few months.


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