The week before Christmas

Mike also started up a game of Twilight Imperium. We play about one turn a day. Right now he is 2nd of 4 players, so he isn't doing poorly.
On Friday Timmy and Gideon threw flour all over. It was a huge mess and Alison was very frustrated, especially when Timmy just wouldn't stop after being told to three times. Rea and Sara cleaned up a lot of it, until Mike got home and could get the last of it really clean.
Saturday we went to the Natural History museum with grandpa Mike and grandma Sheila. We had a fun time. Everyone really enjoyed it. The kids also got some Christmas pajamas from grandma Sheila, and a cool rock each from grandpa Mike.
After that Mike went shopping for all of the Christmas things that we still needed. It took a long time, but now we have everything that we need for Christmas.
Next we had dinner at the Thai restaurant with Grandma and Grandpa, and we played with them as well. They gave the kids Christmas pajamas, which the kids all had to wear to bed.

After church Timmy and Gideon were acting tired so Mike put them down for a nap, but failed to escape out from under them, so he had to wait while they slept. This is unusual because he is normally an excellent escape artist.
Sunday evening we went to the Plastows house for cookie decorating, and a dinner with the family. Rea got a haircut, and Timmy got a Wolverine (X-man) costume. It was fun.
Today is Monday, and Mike has the day off from work. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig are here playing with the kids until after lunch, and then we'll do our normal Christmas Eve things. The kids are very excited.
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