King Timmy

For New Year's Eve, we attended a large family-and-friends party at the Stake Center. The girls had a wonderful time playing and dancing with their best friend Marissa. Timmy and Gideon had fun running around with other kids, and Mike and Alison got to play Mike's Christmas present Small World: River World. Small World is an excellent game and the expansion was lots of fun. We left at 10, which was as late as Alison could make it to celebrate the New Year.

Usually we stay at home New Year's Eve and put together a big Lego Elves set. Since we went out this year, we spent New Year's Day putting it together. The kids loved playing with the pieces while Mike and Rea put it together and Alison kept Gideon out of the way. They really enjoyed playing with the final product and it kept them happy most of the day.

We did some more Twelve Days of Christmas activities the rest of the week, including inviting the Dalyais over for a hot cocoa party, making gingerbread houses (out of hot-glued graham crackers) and decorating them, and playing in the snow at our nature group.

Mike went to Board Game Design Guild Thursday night and got his new game playtested. It went pretty well.

Saturday was Twelfth Night, so we had tilapia and mashed potatoes and broccoli with hollandaise sauce. Alison swears that she served tilapia last year and it was so popular that everyone asked that it be a tradition, but it was not nearly so well-received this year. Oh, well. We had a cinnamon roll crown cake and Timmy found the crown. He wanted to watch a Donald Duck movie, so we watched an old episode of Duck Tales. He was very excited to be King and to get to pick our first Carnival party for next week.

Next week we get back to a normal school schedule and Mike starts teaching a new semester. Wish us luck!


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