On Laundry and Retirement

On Monday of last week Mike stayed home from work to help all of the sick people. By the time that Monday was over we decided that Mike was going back to work on Tuesday. Sara and Mike were the only family members that avoided the sickness all together. On Wednesday we opened up the Valentines day package from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila, and the kids all ate the candy. Rea wants it noted that Gideon stole her candy, so she didn't get to eat it and that she didn't get to pick a date night activity either. We also saved the sour patch kids for a movie on friday, so we didn't eat those. For date night Alison and Mike put on a movie for the kids and then read together. It is a funny thing, but reading together is one of our favorite dates. Saturday morning we stayed in bed extra long talking about our budget, and our plans for retirement. The kids found it very boring, but we had a fun time. We even talked about going into semi-retirement by our 10th wedding annivers...