The Blizzard and the Pukes

On Monday we had a family night activity, which was making fudge. We hadn't made the expected fudge during christmas, so we did it then instead.

Wednesday morning we had an amazing snowstorm. It was about 9 inches of snow, and Mike took three times as long as is usual to get to work. He came back home a bit early, because it started snowing again.

Also on Wednesday Rea made a nocturnal animal museum in the playroom. It had books to read, and Sara ran a snack stand. There was a nocturnal animal petting zoo, and the stuffed animals were on a green mat that was partly folded up. They were arranged in the same order that they came out at night - sundown to midnight to morning. There was also a "drawing nocturnal animal" station with a chair at it.

Wednesday night Timmy threw up in the middle of the night. He was surprisingly self sufficient: he changed into new clothing, and found a new place to sleep. Thursday morning he told Alison, who was surprised. We assumed he had eaten too much fudge.

It snowed more on Thursday as well, so Mike came home early again. In the evening he went to the Board Game Design Guild, and played a fairy game. It ended up being better than expected, but still not Mike's favorite type of game.

Friday we went to the play Nunsense at the Draper Historic Theatre. It was pretty funny. All of the nuns had good parts. The kids were babysat by a friend of the family.

During Saturday we put in baseboards to finish up the bathroom. Also, Mike sewed three dolls for Timmy, Sara, and Gideon. That took a few hours, but the kids were very happy with the result.

Mike and Alison played DDR for the first time in a long time Saturday evening.

Saturday night to Sunday morning Alison threw up three times, and Gideon threw up twice. Apparently Timmy was sick with something that the others caught.

Sunday Mike took Timmy, Sara, and himself to church, and Rea took care of sick Mommy and Gideon. Gideon ran around and threw up all over the house all day.

Alison adds that no-one threw up while Mike was gone.

Rea was a big help in the morning, but she got sick in the evening and threw up. Sara was a big help in the evening, and is now cuddling in an ominous manner on the bench.

As we write this, it just started snowing again - blizzard level, so perhaps we will have another snow day. Either way, Mike is planning on taking tomorrow off of work because Alison doesn't seem to be bouncing back as fast as the kids have.


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