Where the nuts come from

We started milking Olive this week. Mike goes out and gets about a quart of milk every morning before work. We think that's pretty good for not separating the mom and baby at all. Usually when the baby is about two weeks old, you can separate them at night and get more milk in the morning, but a quart a day is a good start. We haven't figured out a good way to separate them in our shed yet.

Monday we went to the new Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point. It was lots of fun. The girls took pictures of butterflies for their photography class. Everyone enjoyed finding Blue Morpho butterflies. Everyone also liked the climbing play area. It was a good field trip.


We stayed home and did normal school on Tuesday to let Alison recover, and on Wednesday we went to the Museum of Ancient Life. The kids love the sand and water table where you can use the water to bury and uncover toy dinosaurs, and the quarry where you can dig for dinosaur bones. Sara made some awesome sketches and Rea wrote a report on the dinosaur in the entrance hall.

Wednesday for her date night, Sara chose mushroom hunting, so we went for a walk in Dimple Dell. We found year-old dried out oyster mushrooms, but nothing to harvest. But we had lots of fun playing in the woods. The kids played hide and seek with Daddy when Mommy needed to stop for a rest. On the way home, the car turned by itself into the Dairy Queen parking lot, so we just had to have an ice cream. It was delicious.

Thursday night Mike took the baby goat to be disbudded. This is the process of burning the horn buds so that they will never grow into horns. It's a nasty process, according to Mike, but the goat recovers in very fast.

Friday night Mike and Alison went on a date to see Charlie's Aunt, one of our favorite plays. It was an interesting interpretation: they made the set and costumes in the early 2000s (when we were in college), but kept almost all of the words the original 1800s language. The actor who played Spettigue did an awesome job being slimy and despicable, and of course Babs (Charlie's Aunt) was awesome, since he's the key to the whole play.

Saturday was a Pokemon Go community day, and there were tons of Pokemon available. So we got all our work done and took a picnic to Wheeler Farm. We had fun looking at the animals and climbing around and playing, as well as catching Pokemon. It was a very fun evening. But Rea got a splinter in her finger, and she had a very difficult time letting Mike get it out. She asked for a blessing, and then Alison held her and Mike held her and it still took over half an hour to get the splinter out because she kept moving her hand. She admitted that it was not that bad when it was over, but it was very rough to get it done.


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