Gender reveal

On Monday we went to Macey's and bought ice cream cones for Family Activity Night. Macey's smallest cones are a very nice size and only 50 cents each, so they're a good treat. We had fun.

This was the last week to spend money and be reimbursed through the homeschool charter school we use, so Alison spent lots of time doing math to get all the best things. We got a bunch of books, another Kindle, and some math, botany, and French stuff.

It's starting to feel like spring, so we played outside a lot in the nice weather. Our daffodils started blooming this week, and the kids were very excited, since they'd been watching them for a month and waiting. Gideon is at the age of wanting to pick every flower he sees, so we have to guard them from him, but they are beautiful.

While Mike was milking earlier this week, he noticed that the goat that we have been calling Enchanted is in fact a male goat. Apparently Mike somehow messed up when he gender identified him. Because of the fact that goats don't have any scruples, and male goats are really gross, we had to get him fixed. It was surprisingly easy, but we will spare you the details.

On Wednesday night we went on a date night which sent us to Macies. While we were there, we discovered that wheat was $9 for 50lbs (they were clearing out the leftovers from the case lot sale), so we ended up getting 400 lbs of it.

On Thursday Alison went in for her pregnancy glucose test. She didn't even feel lightheaded; it's very nice that she no longer has to fast for 12 hours before the test.

Daddy worked from home Friday. He always has that option, but when Alison and the kids are going to be at nature group for all of Friday, he sometimes goes in to work to play games with coworkers over lunch. This week nature group had a spring break, so we all had lunch together and talked and played. It was fun. Then for our date night, we let the kids watch Wild Kratts while we watched Into the Spiderverse. We don't watch many superhero movies, but we thought this one looked funny, and it was. It was nice to sit and laugh for a while.

The homeschool charter school had spring break the first week of April, and Mike's work offered to let him pick a week to work from home and learn a new technology his team needs, so we decided to go visit Grandma and Grandpa Poulson's new home in Reno. So we spent all of Saturday packing and cleaning and getting the car in shape for a long drive. We celebrated all of our hard work by barbequing hot dogs for dinner.

Sunday Alison got a phone call from the midwife about the results of her bloodwork. It turns out that even after Alison and Mike's hard work, she is very low in iron this pregnancy, even more so that earlier pregnancies. We've ordered the strong iron supplement the midwife recommended, and it should get here tomorrow. We are eager to see if Alison suddenly feels full of energy after taking it a few times. She hasn't thought she felt unusually tired for being seven months pregnant and having four kids, but the midwife said her iron levels were low enough that it was surprising she was still functioning, so maybe she'll feel wonderful when they come back up. She's hoping so, anyway.


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