Post interrupted

We totally started writing this on Sunday as usual, but Sunday was interrupted to some extent, and we failed to finish it until now. Here is the blog post for last week (such as it is)

Monday we got (and began to spread) another load of wood-chips - that chipdrop website is great if you want free wood-chips, and don't mind getting some leaves and sticks along with them. This load was large enough to pretty much cover the remainder of the yard, so we probably will not order another load this year

On Tuesday we went to the park group's faux camping trip up the canyon. We had dinner, and played and talked, however we didn't spend the night.

After the camping trip, Mike went to BGDG. He played a game by another member of the guild, and had a fun time.

On Wednesday, when trying to clean out the drain, Mike got the cleaning tool stuck and it broke off when he tried to get it out. That was annoying.

On Thursday we spread wood-chips again - we finished most of them. Hopefully our neighbors will all love the new look of the yard.

On Friday no-one came to park day, so Alison and the kids came back early. After work Mike opened up the drain, and got the part of the cleaning tool out. While he was doing this he also installed a new drain plug (one that claims to catch and cut up hairs, so hopefully it will not get clogged again as often.)

On Saturday we all went to Logan's baptism, and then the kids went to a movie while Alison and Mike went to the library and did a little shopping.

In the evening we went to a park with the Plastows and the Browns, and played in the splashpad. We had a fun time.

On Sunday the Browns came for lunch, and we said goodbye to them. It was fun to have them over for a few days we look forward to when the grandparents move back to Utah.

Before they left, Mike accidentally smashed his thumb in a car door. His thumbnail went black, and it hurts him to move it at all. After that, we failed to finish the blog post. Hopefully it knits up soon.


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