The Wonderful Days of Fall

Last Sunday we had a game day at Caitlin and Sal's house. We played a game that Jay brought (which we enjoyed, but whose name we can't seem to recall), as well as multiple games of Resistance. It ended very late in the evening, but it was very fun.

Since Sunday night it was really cold, we decided on Monday that we would pick the grapes that are at the park near our house. When we went over to pick the grapes on Monday, then we discovered that the grapevines were all dried out. It looked as if the previous owners of the grapevines decided that they were done taking care of the grape vines. Sad.

On Tuesday Allison and the kids went to the natural history museum because Timmy wanted to go really really really really bad. Rea did some research into the Native tribes of this area and now wants to learn beading as her next handicraft. Timmy liked looking at dinosaur bones and digging in the play quarry. We managed to leave on time to get to nature group, which was extra fun because a ten foot high mound of dirt had been dumped beside the trail. The little kids played on it for hours.

Wednesday Alison and the kids went to nature group with the Dalyais. It was a perfect fall day, but we could only stay two hours because Rea needed to go to Activity Days. She had fun playing a game about getting back to heaven.

On Wednesday afternoon Mike was asked to go to the cannery to help make some soup. He ended up loading boxes of soup onto pallets so that they could ship them.

After he was done, the bishop asked him to come over and help plan tithing settlements.

Thursday Rea and Sara planned a party for their friends. It was a fun fall theme.

On Friday we went to see a play at the Off-Broadway theater. The play was entitled "Dracula versus The Addams family." We really enjoyed the play. Sarah's favorite part was the kid actors. Timmy really like the busy badger camp. All in all, we really enjoyed it.

Saturday evening we went to the ward chili cook-off and trunk or treat. The kids all invented costumes for themselves and we had a fun time at the trunk or treat and we ate lots of yummy chili.

by Sunday morning we realize that most of the kids were sick. Rea and Mom were the only ones who were able to go to church at the beginning of church. Gideon will not admit to being sick, but he says his throat hurts. He is also acting so fussy that we are sure that he is sick.

Rea is still well and is talking about organizing her friends into casual sports games. Mom suggests kickball for her first try.


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