Topics chosen by the children

We wrote a post last week but failed to edit and publish it. I will do that now before I write this week's post. On Monday of last week for her meal that she was supposed to help make Rea asked to produce Curry for dinner. We ended up making a coconut and tomato-based Curry. The kids liked it. Also on Monday we went out to the dI and bought all of the necessary equipment to build a powerful set of speakers to install in our front room. We have been enjoying the speakers quite a bit. Early last week Mike made peanut butter and chocolate SunButter. The children generally like peanut butter better than chocolate SunButter, however this time they all seem to like the chocolate SunButter quite a bit. It is a good thing to have a Vitamix because this would be impossible with a normal blender. Alison has never been particularly happy with Timmy's natural hairstyle, so she decided that she was going to get some gel and attempt to get him to style his hair before he went to chur...