The Berenstain Bears and the Great Pumpkin Hunt

This last week was a busy one. Timmy has had a cold since sometime last week, and he's been slowly giving it to everyone else. No fun! That made the preparations for Halloween less effective than we might have hoped.

Last Saturday was annual Trunk or Treat and Chili Cookoff in our ward. Timmy was only a little sick then, and no one else had gotten it, so we went. The kids pieced together costumes: Gideon was a tiger, Timmy was a Thingamajing, Sara was a princess, and Rea was a chef. We had a lot of fun.

When we got home, it looked like Timmy had pinkeye. Yikes! It was gone by the next morning, but Sara and Timmy had started coughing and boogering, so Alison took Rea to sacrament meeting and sang with the choir, and then she went home and Mike went to the second hour of church. It was fun for Alison and Rea to go to church together.

Sunday started tithing settlement, so Mike was gone all day. The kids were pretty good anyway.

Tuesday we went to our nature group, even though it was 24 degrees and snowing. Alison, Timmy, and Rea had a fabulous time. Sara and Timmy whined so much that they had to be taken home, where Mike was sitting with the sleeping baby. There was a huge mound of dirt on the edge of the trail at the park. The kids were digging in it and one of them got completely stuck. It took the rest of the kids almost half an hour to free him. Exciting times!

Tuesday night Mike had more tithing settlement. The kids cleaned up so that we could watch Robin Hood, one of their favorite movies. Mike was gone until late because our wonderful bishop loves to talk.

Wednesday we went to another nature group. This time Alison forced Gideon and Sara to wear all their layers: thermal underwear, boiled wool pants and sweaters, and snowsuits. It was only 30 degrees, but sunny; they were overly warm. But at least we tried out the gear.

Thursday was Halloween, and we realized that with all the sickness we had forgotten to get pumpkins and carve jack-o-lanterns. We hopped in the car to go get some. The afternoon ended up resembling a Halloween version of "The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree." We drove back and forth across town, and all the exciting Halloween things we'd been planning on (trick or treating at Target, getting pumpkins at the pumpkin patch) were not happening. We finally gave up and went to our local grocery store, only to find that they had no pumpkins either! Apparently stores do not have pumpkins on Halloween day. We're so glad we carved pumpkins once in Reno! Instead we went to the library and rented the first Harry Potter movie, which our kids have never seen. It made an appropriately scary and exciting addition to Halloween night. The kids had fun trick or treating, although it was very cold and Gideon had trouble keeping up. They made it all around the block, though Alison had to take the fussy baby home and wait for them.

Friday Alison got sick. She considered canceling everything, but went to nature group anyway because she couldn't face the idea of being home with the kids fighting all day. It was a beautiful day and lots of fun, but Saturday morning she woke up with her voice completely gone. She's been typing everything she wants to say into a text-to-speech app for two days. She really hopes her voice will be back by Tuesday so she doesn't have to cancel any more VIPKID classes.

Saturday Mike and the kids went to rake leaves at the Church. This is one of our kids' favorite service projects and they start talking about it as soon as the leaves start falling every year. It was pretty cold this year, but they had a good time. We cleaned the whole house, which hadn't happened since Halloween. That was about all we had time for. Mike made tilapia for lunch; Timmy wanted to mention that because he loved it so much. He keeps asking for it again.

Today only Mike and Rea went to church, although Sara and Timmy only have occasional coughs at this point. Rea felt a tickle in her throat, but if she doesn't get it, the big kids should be better this week. Gideon is recovering a little slower, and we're waiting to see with Alison's throat. We hope for the best.

On top of all this, Mike is trying to get a rule book cleaned up for submission to the Ion Award. If anyone wants to read it, and comment on it they are welcome to.


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