Corona the isolator

Not last week but the week before people in our family were sick for the first half of the week

That Thursday we played outside for the first time in a few days, however people also started freaking out about the Corona virus.

Friday we went to the park, and we played Near and Far for our date.

We decided to delay going to Grandma and Grandpa's house because of the virus (we didn't want to get them sick, in case we had picked it up at the convention, and weren't yet showing symptoms) however on Saturday morning, Grandpa called us and told us to come anyway, so we did.

We droved to their house and enjoyed a lazy Sunday (all church world wide was cancelled, so we didn't attend, however they had the missionaries over for dinner and had church type meetings anyway.)

Monday through Friday we mostly holed up in grandparents house and watched movies, did puzzles, and played games - only leaving to hike up to a waterfall that was entirely frozen.

Gideon loved going to Grandma's house as did Sara. Rea liked being with the grandparents. Baby Elizabeth liked yummy food and having lots of people to hold her and grabbing everything (Rea is currently translating for her). Timmy liked the most getting rocks from Grandpa Mike.

While we were there, Rea, Sara and Timmy help Grandma Sheila to make a quilt for baby Elizabeth.

Also while we were there, Mike played multiple games of automatown with various members of the family. It was well-received.

Alison wants to add that we also stayed up late and talked into the night many times, which was something that she quite enjoyed.

On Wednesday there was an earthquake back in Utah. Fortunately it was pretty small, and we were out of town for it.

Grandpa Mike has been learning about day trading, and earning some money doing it. It seems like an interesting enough thing to do, but also potentially risky, so Mike isn't sure if he will actually do anything with the knowledge in the short term.

on Saturday we drove all the way back home and then we cleaned up and did some laundry before going to bed.

Church is still canceled, however we are permitted to do the sacrament in our house so we had a sacrament meeting and a primary meeting and had lessons and talks.

After lunch was over we also had an additional church meeting with the poulsen family via Skype.

Here is a picture of Gideon being sad.


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