The Dancingist Baby

This last week the weather was nice, so we played outside a lot of the time.

As we were preparing to plant our garden in the backyard, we ordered some fruit bushes. Alison had read about building a permaculture food forest, and this seemed like a good way to start that. We had ordered a gooseberry bush, two Serviceberry bushes, and also a pair of black raspberry bushes from a nursery in the east. The bushes all arrived on Friday, so Mike went outside and planted them and watered them heavily. We hope that they produce lots of berries for us to eat in the future.

Of all of the seeds we planted a few weeks ago, very few of them have begun sprouting, so we went and replanted the whole entire area yesterday. We have also been burning a lot of wood that we got by ripping out all of the trees of heaven which were growing in our backyard. The fires have been crazy, according to Rea.

Alison also went on a massive food shopping trip on Saturday so that we could get all of the stuff that we needed for the next few weeks. The most important thing that she bought was garlic (because we were out of it), But she also bought other essentials like night diapers for the baby. The store had everything again, which was nice.

Speaking of the baby: Elizabeth has been working on her walking skills. She is able to take one step without help sometimes. She is very good at standing too.

We are having a lot of dance parties right now, since we have a lot of time at home, and when we are all dancing around, baby Elizabeth will often crawl in circles in a very excited manner. She is our dancingist baby right now.

We have been reading "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians." That is to say, Rea and Daddy have been listening to the audiobooks of the Alcatraz series; they are very well written and quite enjoyable for those people who enjoy reading things that are well-written and are enjoyable (which we do).

We went down into the crawl space a second time and removed a whole bunch of tree roots that were gumming up the works down there. Timmy has been a big help and has earned money by working so hard with Mike. We had originally intended for one of the Dalyia kids to come and do it with us; however, since we have been good social distancers, we haven't invited anyone into our house.

Mike signed up for his college classes, which should be starting and the end of summer. Additionally, he had no classes to teach this last week because it was in between semesters. He enjoyed his mornings, except for the fact that baby Elizabeth woke up and screamed almost the entire time that Mike was not teaching classes. We think that baby Elizabeth is probably the baby who likes the most to wake up in the middle of the night of all of our babies that we have ever had.

On a certain day of the week, we also had a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Tales of Equestria role-playing game session. Timmy had a horde of dragonlings that were firefighters. The kids went around the town, and they discovered the Flimflam Brothers, who sold Gideon a magical amulet. Then they proceeded to beat up the Flimflam Brothers. Then they went North to an old abandoned castle in order to save Princess Twilight Sparkle from Iron Will. Mom's dog for some weird reason kept finding pony bones, so that's probably an adventure Hook from the DM in for future sessions. We had a lot of fun, even Rea, who didn't want to play at first. Roleplaying games are awesome.

Grandma Julie also asked us to post the pictures of our house that we have been drawing on for our possible future remodel, so here they are:

Feel free to draw how our house should be, and email us your best version. One pixel = 1 inch in this drawing. The red dotted line is the setback requirements on the south and east side of the house, and the car port is as close as it is legal to be on the north (left) side of the house.

Finally, Here are some pictures. We are bad at posting pictures usually:


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