The fancy weekend

On Monday we went to a splash pad with the Rogers and Grandma and Grandpa. We talked about moving and little toy trucks. It sounds like the Poulsons won't move into our neighborhood with us, which is unfortunate, however we are still happy to be moving in with Amy, and also probably convincing Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila to move in to the same neighborhood as well.

On Tuesday we went to ballet, and Mike went shopping and did some work for his calling (it is rare for him to do anything other than the one hour after church on Sunday)

On Wednesday Mike had a dentist appointment, and we also had Amy's realtor come over and look over our house. She said that we could probably get about 300k for our house without much work, and in this market that it was rare for big changes to the house to pay for themselves, so we should just clean it up and then list it without much work.

Thursday we walked to the school playground and played around for a while. It was actually really nice weather, which we we enjoyed a lot, because it doesn't always happen in the beginning of fall in Utah.

On Friday night the kids went over to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Brown at their hotel room. They had a fun time watching movies and eating food. On Saturday Grandma and Grandpa took Sara for her 8 year old adventure, and she got her hair and nails done, and bought chocolate. She had a lot of fun!

Saturday we started packing and marking for disposal everything in the shed. We finished the whole thing in one day, and so we are that much closer to being ready to move. We are not planning to box anything else up before the house closes - we will pack everything after we have a place to move it to.

We're planning to put in another shed for some more storage - we can put in a shed up to 200 square feet without needing a permit, so we're thinking a 12x16. We don't know where to put it yet, but it seems like with that much more storage we can easily hold all of the stuff that we are not currently sure about where it will go, and have extra space left over.

Today we went to Amy's house for lunch and learned about all of the kids that we have living near our new house. We are excited to have so many new potential friends near us. Baby Elizabeth also wanted a mask of her own (since we all wear one so often), so we made her one. It was cute, but she didn't actually like wearing it for very long.


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