As I write this, the Samoan Cocoa is brewing

This week baby Elizabeth slept better than she ever has before. She only woke up Michael two times during his core sleeps, and she was mostly happy for Alison on most of the nights as well. She is also sometimes eating meals with us like a toddler usually does, which is to say that she will pick one thing that she wants and eat a lot of it. This is significantly better eating than she usually does.

Early this week we turned half of the Halloween candy that we collected from the children into Halloween candy cookies. We have approximately three dozen Halloween candy cookies frozen as balls and our freezer now. The weather has been good (up until today), so we have been playing outside a lot

Mike's schooling is continuing to go well. He currently has A's in both of his classes. Mike's teaching is also going well, and he received some of the best ratings possible this last semester. He is also getting good ratings at work, and getting used to the newly reorganized team that he is on.

We celebrated Gideon's birthday this week, and he got a bunch of Pokemon cards, some dinosaur toys, dinosaur cars and monster truck cars.

This week Mike also found out that you could get a copy of Worms Armageddon on the computer on steam. Timmy really loved playing it, and calls it "Worms go crazy and shoot bazookas at people". Playing it was what he reported to be his favorite part of the week, but he also liked playing Pokémon Fire Red.

Gideon liked pretending to be Pokémon - he reported that it was his favorite thing to do this week.

Additionally, in our box of misfit vegetables Alison hadn't requested anything in particular this week so we ended up with many many pounds of leafy greens. Alison processed and froze them and we plan on baking them into casseroles or something like that.

Mike and Alison worked hard on Saturday and got the shelves installed in their room so that one of the last largest holdouts boxes can finally be unpacked. We got the shelves installed before lunch, and by the time dinner rolled around the job was mostly done. We still want to bring more order to the room, but it is much better than it was not too long ago.

Alison also went out and got us all some new clothes so that she could get pictures for her business. We then went outside and took a bunch of pictures of the kids playing with Alison in the backyard.

Mike and Rea went to the home Depot to buy some things to install around the house, however on the way back we went to the Polynesian store so that we could get some Samoan cocoa.

Sunday it started snowing for the second time this year. The kids are super excited, and though it wasn't a huge snow, there was some accumulation. Rea and Sara played a lot outside, and all the kids went out some. They built a snow fort, and also made a snow garden.

Finally, here are a bunch of other pictures:


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